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Sift Baking Studio is committed to continuously taste approve for what we consider the very best ingredients in the marketplace and any other aspects of goods & services personally delivered to our customers. Sift Commander (and Specialists) pledge to always tantalize your tastebuds to keep you -forever loyal ❣️



Sift Baking Studio (SBS) confidently enforces strict guidelines for food, cleanliness, and safety. Our business model was created and evolves around certain disruptors in our environment (COVID) so we have missioned ourselves to exceed your expectations regarding safe concerns. In other words, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”

  • 48 hour minimum notice for all edibles. Our Host Rescue Packages can be delivered on same day of service.
  • Free concierge delivery  to Dallas area zip code. Other surrounding cities served are demand driven, therefore subject to  change.
  • Concierge delivery times are between 10AM – 2PM ( CST). A delivery can be scheduled after 6PM but require at least 72 hours advance notice. Special conditions may apply.
  • Wait-N-Go: We bring everything to you and will wait up to 10 minutes to ensure everything  is perfect before leaving the premises. Gratuities cannot be accepted. To go above and beyond is inclusive to SBS.
  • Terms are available to our commercial business customers.  

For any specifics not mentioned, please call  214-773-6592 or email

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